Winner of 59 Emmys
Game of Thrones
7 Seasons | 73 Episodes | TV-MA
Trouble is brewing in Westeros. For the inhabitants of this world, control of the Iron Throne holds the lure of great power. But in a land where seasons can last a lifetime, winter is coming...and beyond the Great Wall that protects them, a forgotten evil has returned. HBO presents this epic series based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin.
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Featured Characters
See the full list of the Game of Thrones cast and characters here.
House of the Dragon
Valar Dohaeris
Jon is tested by the wildling king. Tyrion asks for his reward. Dany sails to Slaver's Bay.
Walk of Punishment
Tyrion shoulders new responsibilities. Jon is taken to the Fist of the First Men. Daenerys meets with the slavers. Jaime strikes a deal.
And Now His Watch Is Ended
The Night's Watch takes stock. Varys meets his better. Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood. Dany exchanges a chain for a whip.
The Climb
Four Houses consider make-or-break alliances. Jon and the Wildlings face a daunting climb.
The Bear and the Maiden Fair
Dany exchanges gifts in Yunkai. Brienne faces a formidable foe in Harrenhal.
Second Sons
Dany meets the Titan's Bastard. King's Landing hosts a royal wedding.
The Rains of Castamere
House Frey joins forces with House Tully. Jon faces his most difficult test yet.
Two Swords
King's Landing prepares for a royal wedding. Dany finds the way to Meereen. the Night's Watch braces for a new threat.
The Lion and the Rose
The Lannisters and their guests gather in King's Landing. Stannis loses patience with Davos. Ramsay finds a purpose for his pet.
Breaker of Chains
Tyrion ponders his options. Tywin extends an olive branch. Jon proposes a bold plan. The Hound teaches Arya the way things are.
Dany balances justice and mercy. Jaime tasks Brienne with his honor. Jon readies his men.
Tyrion enlists an unlikely ally. Daario entreats Dany to allow him to do what he does best. Jon's warnings fall on deaf ears.
The Mountain and the Viper
Mole's Town receives some unexpected visitors. Littlefinger's motives are questioned. Tyrion's fate is decided.
The Children
Dany faces some harsh realities. Tyrion sees the truth of his situation.
The Wars To Come
Tyrion learns of a conspiracy and Jon is caught between two kings.
The House of Black and White
Arya arrives in Braavos. Pod and Brienne find trouble. Cersei fears for her daughter's safety. Stannis tempts Jon. An adviser tempts Dany.
High Sparrow
Cersei does justice. Arya sees the Many-Faced God. Tyrion walks the Long Bridge of Volantis.
The Sons of the Harpy
The Faith Militant grow increasingly aggressive. Jaime and Bronn head south. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes vow vengeance.
Kill the Boy
Dany makes a difficult decision in Meereen. Jon recruits the help of an unexpected ally. Brienne searches for Sansa.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Arya trains. Jorah and Tyrion run into slavers. Trystane and Myrcella make plans. Jaime and Bronn reach their destination.
The Gift
Jon prepares for conflict. Sansa tries to talk to Theon. Brienne waits for a sign. Stannis remains stubborn.
Arya makes progress in her training. Sansa confronts an old friend. Cersei struggles. Jon travels.
The Dance of Dragons
Stannis confronts a troubling decision. Jon returns to The Wall. Mace visits the Iron Bank. Arya encounters someone from her past.
Mother's Mercy
Stannis marches. Dany is surrounded by strangers. Cersei seeks forgiveness. Jon is challenged.
The Red Woman
Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.
Bran goes home. The Night's Watch stands behind Thorne.
Daenerys meets her future. Arya trains to be No One.
Book of the Stranger
Tyrion strikes a deal. Jorah and Daario undertake a difficult task. Jaime and Cersei try to improve their situation.
The Broken Man
The High Sparrow eyes another target. Jaime confronts a hero. Arya makes a plan. The North is reminded.
No One
While Jaime weighs his options, Cersei answers a request. Tyrion's plans bear fruit. Arya faces a new test.
The Winds of Winter
Cersei faces a day of reckoning. Daenerys antes up for the "Great Game."
Jon Snow organizes the defense of the North. Cersei tries to even the odds. Daenerys comes home.
The Queen's Justice
Daenerys holds court. Tyrion backchannels. Cersei returns a gift. Jaime learns from his mistakes.
The Spoils of War
The Lannisters pay their debts. Daenerys weighs her options. Arya comes home.
Daenerys offers a choice. Arya grows suspicious. Tyrion answers a good question.
Beyond the Wall
Jon and the Brotherhood hunt the dead. Arya confronts Sansa. Tyrion thinks about the future.
The Dragon and the Wolf
Tyrion tries to save Westeros from itself. Sansa questions loyalties.
Arriving at Winterfell, Jon and Daenerys struggle to unite a divided North.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Jaime argues his case before a skeptical audience.
The Long Night
Arya looks to prove her worth as a fighter.
The Last of the Starks
In the wake of a costly victory, Jon and Daenerys look to the south as Tyrion eyes a compromise that could save countless lives.
The Bells
Daenerys and Cersei weigh their options as an epic conflict looms at King's Landing.
The Iron Throne
Series finale. The fate of the Seven Kingdoms is at stake as the final chapter of Game of Thrones is written.

The Cast Remembers
First days on set, favorite costumes and scenes they'll never forget: the actors look back on filming eight seasons of Game of Thrones.