2 Seasons | 18 Episodes | TV-MA
Laura Dern is a professional who returns to work with a new perspective after an on-the-job breakdown in this HBO original series.
The Key
Looking for the key to ruin Abaddonn, Amy forms an alliance with charming journalist Jeff Flender (Dermot Mulroney).
Revenge Play
Tyler scrambles to find a scapegoat after Amy's breach of security is exposed.
Higher Power
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Mike White<br><b>Directed by </b>Mike White</p><p>Amy receives a letter from Levi at Open Air-he's clearly not buying into it. He hates his gassy roommate and doesn't get anything out of the group sessions. "For me, God is a beer on the beach," he writes. "Maybe that's f*cked up, but at least it's honest." He goes snorkeling to find the turtle Amy once spotted, but he can't find it; the beach is too polluted.</p><p>After lashing out at his group leader and his therapist, Levi decides to sneak out with two young skeptics, Danielle and Travis. They head to a nearby hotel on the beach with a bag of coke Travis smuggled in with him. Their night of partying turns sour when the drugs run out, and Levi heads back to the facility. His roommate covered for him, but the other two are likely to be kicked out.</p><p>Levi returns to Open Air with a renewed focus. He writes another letter to Amy, telling her he's becoming more engaged in the activities. When asked to meditate on his best self, he thinks of the way Amy used to think of him. "Maybe you're my higher power," he says. "I don't believe in much, but I believe in you." He heads back in the water to look for Amy's turtle.</p></div>
Follow Me
Amy gets inspired by social media. Dougie has second thoughts about reporting the security breach to HR.
The Ghost Is Seen
In an effort to dig up dirt on Abaddonn's CEO, Amy, Tyler and Dougie try to befriend his assistant Eileen.
All I Ever Wanted
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Mike White<br><b>Directed by</b> Todd Haynes</p><p>Amy arrives at Jeff's apartment with the new documents she got from Szidon's computer. As Jeff reads through them she peruses his belongings, impressed by his exciting life. Finally, he looks up and says "F**king gold, Amy. It's like the Wikileaks of Abaddonn. " He tells her, "I'm so happy, I could kiss you"-then does. Jeff invites her to stay over, and Amy, head-spinning, agrees. They spend the next day together living the life that Amy's been imagining-going to a cafe, reading Chomsky in bed, and talking about important issues.</p><p>Back in the office, Tyler tells Amy he's worried that when word gets out, Eileen is going to realize they hacked her computer. Amy invites Jeff to come out to Riverside, but while's she's getting ready there's an unexpected visitor at the door-Levi is back, claiming his head is on straight now. They go for a walk and Levi tries to convince Amy that his epiphany was real. He gives her the letter where he names her as his higher power, telling Amy he's ready to be the person she always wanted him to be.</p><p>Amy's not emotionally prepared for Levi's return and tells him "I don't want the same old story, I want a new story." She returns home, where Helen is entertaining Jeff in Amy's absence. Amy goes to her room and begins to break down; Helen comes in and holds her. After Amy calms down, she and Jeff leave for dinner, driving away as Levi approaches the driveway.</p></div>
No Doubt
<div class='episode-body-left-aligned' style='text-align: left'><p><b>Written by</b> Mike White<br><b>Directed by </b>David Michord</p><p>After another night spent with Jeff, Amy enters the office to find Dougie blaring rap music and lighting up a joint. He's just received word that Cogentiva is being shut down and now he "doesn't give a f**k." Tyler tells Amy that Eileen might be able to get her the community outreach job at Abaddonn she's always wanted-she's already used her pull with Charles Szidon to get Tyler back into IT-but Amy thinks it's too late.</p><p>Amy goes to see Krista before she gives birth, and her old assistant is genuinely happy to receive her. Amy tells Krista about the exposé on Abaddonn she's been working on with Jeff, and though she's surprised, Krista wishes her the best. Amy then meets Levi at a bar, where he's drinking water. Levi is ready to give her the family she's always wanted, but Amy tells him that's changed. Levi wishes her a "nice big life" and storms out.</p><p>Eileen arranges the meeting between Amy and Szidon at the CEO's country club. Szidon is impressed by Amy's passion and candor, and offers her the job she'd been angling for...with a salary of $100,000. Amy is struck by his offer and goes to Jeff to discuss whether they can do more good from the inside. Jeff isn't hearing it; the story's running next week and there isn't going to be a job for her at Abaddonn after it does. Also, he thinks it would be "bad form" if they were perceived to be in a relationship when the story breaks. "I think we both knew all along, we just gave into feelings," he tells her. Heartbroken, Amy gets up to walk out and tells Jeff, "But I didn't know all along."</p></div>
Agent of Change
On the precipice of bringing down Abaddonn, Amy prepares herself and those around her for the inevitable fallout.