SERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORSERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORmax-style Game of Thrones About Season Season-2Season-3Season-4Season-5Season-6Season-7Season-8Game of Thrones | Season 3 | Episode 8Second Sons TV-MA | 56 MIN WATCH NOWMAXDany meets the Titan's Bastard. King's Landing hosts a royal wedding. 1.Valar DohaerisJon is tested by the wildling king. Tyrion asks for his reward. Dany sails to Slaver's Bay.3.Walk of PunishmentTyrion shoulders new responsibilities. Jon is taken to the Fist of the First Men. Daenerys meets with the slavers. Jaime strikes a deal.4.And Now His Watch Is EndedThe Night's Watch takes stock. Varys meets his better. Arya is taken to the commander of the Brotherhood. Dany exchanges a chain for a whip.6.The ClimbFour Houses consider make-or-break alliances. Jon and the Wildlings face a daunting climb.7.The Bear and the Maiden FairDany exchanges gifts in Yunkai. Brienne faces a formidable foe in Harrenhal.8.Second SonsDany meets the Titan's Bastard. King's Landing hosts a royal wedding.9.The Rains of CastamereHouse Frey joins forces with House Tully. Jon faces his most difficult test yet.