SERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORSERIESMOVIESNEW & LAST CHANCESCHEDULEFREE EPISODESMoreDocumentariesSpecialsSportsPodcastsMaxSIGN INSIGN UP FORSIGN INSIGN UP FORmax-style Game of Thrones About Season Season-2Season-3Season-4Season-5Season-6Season-7Season-8Game of Thrones | Season 4 | Episode 10The Children TV-MA | 1 HR 5 MIN WATCH NOWMAXDany faces some harsh realities. Tyrion sees the truth of his situation. 1.Two SwordsKing's Landing prepares for a royal wedding. Dany finds the way to Meereen. the Night's Watch braces for a new threat.2.The Lion and the RoseThe Lannisters and their guests gather in King's Landing. Stannis loses patience with Davos. Ramsay finds a purpose for his pet.3.Breaker of ChainsTyrion ponders his options. Tywin extends an olive branch. Jon proposes a bold plan. The Hound teaches Arya the way things are.4.OathkeeperDany balances justice and mercy. Jaime tasks Brienne with his honor. Jon readies his men.7.MockingbirdTyrion enlists an unlikely ally. Daario entreats Dany to allow him to do what he does best. Jon's warnings fall on deaf ears.8.The Mountain and the ViperMole's Town receives some unexpected visitors. Littlefinger's motives are questioned. Tyrion's fate is decided.10.The ChildrenDany faces some harsh realities. Tyrion sees the truth of his situation.