If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?
True Blood | Season 4 | Episode 3

If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?

TV-MA | 55 MIN

Directed by David Petrarca
Written by
Alan Ball

As Eric continues to stare at her blankly, Sookie pieces together that Eric is suffering from amnesia. He faintly recalls a spirit reaching into him, emptying him of who he was. Sookie takes pity on him and agrees to help him out, but not without ground rules. Eric is not allowed to touch her, and he especially cannot bite her.

In Bill's office, the king reviews footage of a vampire attack captured by a site called www.Vamps-Kill.com. The perpetrator of the attack sits before him, pleading his case. Bill coldly metes out his judgment—any vampire captured attacking a human on film must meet the true death. While the sentence is being carried out, Bill takes a moment to counsel a distraught Jessica, who is wracked with guilt over feeding on someone else. Bill tells her that if she loves Hoyt, she'll come clean to him. But when Jessica's admission and apology goes off the rails, she glamours Hoyt into forgetting it ever happened.

Sookie takes care of Eric and is bemused by his childlike behavior. When Pam is informed of her maker's condition, she speeds over to Sookie's home, and desperately pleads with her to shield him from Bill, who she believes set Eric up. Sookie goes to Alcide's house in Shreveport to ask for his assistance, but is surprised to find Debbie Pelt there—now one year sober.

At the MoonGoddess Emporium, the Wiccans argue about what to do next. Lafayette wants to square things with Eric, but Marnie and some of the others are upset that they've been told not to practice their religion. Jesus and Tara try to keep Lafayette from going to Fangtasia, but when he does, they have to strike a deal with a vengeful Pam. They agree to turn over Marnie in 24 hours, in the hope that she can reverse the spell, or else Pam will "personally eat, f**k, and kill" all three of them. Meanwhile, Marnie tries to conjure the spirit that inhabited her.

Bill meets with the Bon Temps lawyer Portia Bellefleur, who has a proposal for him. In a business-like manner, she lays out a plan to add sex to their professional relationship. Bill agrees, but tells her he can never love her, as "one needs a young heart to take the leap that love requires." She accepts his terms, and later that night, they consummate the deal at his mansion.

Crystal and Felton continue with their plan to have Jason propagate their kind. With Jason gashed, feverish, and tied to a bed, Crystal feeds him Mexican Viagra. As he goes in and out of consciousness, he becomes aware the Crystal is having sex with him, and there is a line of Hot Shot women at the door waiting to do the same. With all the sincerity he can muster, he tells Crystal he wishes he never laid eyes on her.

Claudine arrives outside Sookie's home. She tells her goddaughter that only she can protect her—and that she's been protecting her this whole time, ever since the Rattrays tried to kill her. Sookie refuses to go along with her, and in a blur Eric grabs Claudine and feeds on her—draining her until she's nothing more than faerie dust. When Sookie expresses her anger towards him, he offers a sheepish grin. "Sorry," he says.